National Field Day Rules
- Eligibility: Field Day is open to all amateurs in Malaysia. DX stations residing in other country may be contacted for credit, and may submit entries as check-logs.
- Object: To work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands and in doing so to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio.
- Date and Time Period: Field Day is will commence at 08:00 hrs MST on Saturday September 15th and
continue until 08:00 hrs MST on Monday, September 17th 2018.
- Exchange Message: Stations in Field Day will exchange their Power Condition N= Normal Power, B= Battery , G= Generator and O= Other Power Source example Solar Power. After that the Postcode location. Example: a Station running on Battery Power in Bangi would send “B 43650” on CW or “Bravo 43650” on the phone.
- Miscellaneous Rules:
5.1. A person may not contact for QSO credit any station from which they also participate.
5.2 A transmitter/receiver/transceiver used to contact one or more Field Day stations may not subsequently be used under any other callsign to participate in Field Day.
5.3 Phone, CW and Digital (non-CW) modes on a band are considered as separate bands. A station may be worked only once per band under this rule.
5.4 All voice contacts are equivalent.
5.5 All non-CW digital contacts are equivalent.
5.6 Cross-band contacts are not permitted.
5.7 The use of more than one transmitter at the same time on a single band-mode is prohibited.
5.8 No repeater contacts are allowed.
5.9 Batteries may be charged while in use. To claim the power multiplier of five, the batteries must be charged from something other than commercial power.
6 Scoring: Scores are based on the total number of QSO points times the power multiplier plus the bonus points.
6.1QSO Points:
6.1.1 Phone contacts count one point each.
6.1.2 CW contacts count two points each.
6.1.3 Digital contacts count two points each.
6.2 Power multipliers: The power multiplier that applies is determined by the highest power output of any of the transmitters used during the Field Day operation.
6.2.1 If all contacts are made using a power of 5 Watts or less and if a power source other than commercial, the power multiplier is 5 (five).
6.2.2 If all contacts are made using a power of 5 Watts or less, but the power source is from a commercial power, the power multiplier is 2. If batteries are charged during the Field Day period using commercial power the power multiplier is 2 (two).
6.2.3 If any or all contacts are made using an output power up to 150 Watts or less, and if a power source other than commercial, the power multiplier is multiplier is 2 (two).
6.2.4 If any or all contacts are made using an output power up to 150 Watts or less, and If batteries are charged during the Field Day period using commercial power the power multiplier is 1 (one) .
6.2.5 If any or all contacts are made using an output power greater than 150 Watts, the power multiplier is 1 (one).
6.2.6 The power multiplier for an entry is determined by the maximum output power used by any transmitter used to complete any contact during the event. (Example: a group has one QRP station running 3 Watts and a second station running 100 Watts, the power multiplier of 2 applies to all contacts made by the entire operation).
6.3. Bonus Points: All stations are eligible for certain bonus points, depending on their activities.The following bonus points will be added to the score, after the multiplier is applied, to determine the final Field Day score. Bonus points will be applied only when the claim is made on the summary sheet and any proof required accompanies the entry or is received via email or normal mail delivery.
6.3.1 100% Emergency Power: 100 points per transmitter classification if all contacts are made only using an emergency power source up to a total of 20 transmitters. All transmitting equipment at the site must operate from a power source completely independent of the commercial power to qualify. (Example: a club operating 3 transmitters and using 100% emergency power receives 300 bonus points.) .
6.3.2 Media Publicity: 100 bonus points may be earned for attempting to obtain publicity from the local media. A copy of the press release, or a copy of the actual media publicity received (newspaper article, etc.) must be submitted to claim the points.
6.3.3 Public Location: 100 bonus points for physically locating the Field Day operation in a public place (i.e. shopping center, park, school campus, etc). The intent is for amateur radio to be on display to the public.
6.3.4 Public Information Table: 100 bonus points for a Public Information Table at the Field Day site. The purpose is to make appropriate handouts and information available to the visiting public at the site. A copy of a visitor’s log, copies of club handouts or photos is sufficient evidence for claiming this bonus.
6.3.5 Alternate Power: 100 bonus points for Field Day groups making a minimum of five QSOs without using power from commercial mains or petroleum driven generator. This means an “alternate” energy source of power, such as solar, wind, methane or water. This includes batteries charged by natural means (not dry cells). The natural power transmitter counts as an additional transmitter. If you do not wish to increase your operating category, you should take one of your other transmitters off the air while the natural power transmitter is in operation. A separate list of natural power QSOs should be submitted with your entry.
6.3.6 Educational activity bonus: One (1) 100-point bonus may be claimed if your Field Day operation includes a specific educational-related activity. The activity can be diverse and must be related to amateur radio. It must be some type of formal activity. It can be repeated during the Field Day period but only one bonus is earned.
6.3.7 Site Visitation by an elected governmental official: One (1) 100-point bonus may be claimed if your Field Day site is visited by an elected government official as the result of an invitation issued by your group.
6.3.8 Site Visitation by a representative of an agency: One (1) 100-point bonus may be claimed if your Field Day site is visited by a representative of an agency served by your local community (PBSMM, JPAM,BOMBA, law enforcement, etc.) as the result of an invitation issued by your group.
7 Reporting:
7.1Entries may be submitted to the Field Day Committee in one of two ways:
7.1.2 Via land postal or delivery service to MARL Address;
7.2 Entries must be postmarked, emailed or submitted by September 30, 2018. Late entries cannot be accepted.
7.3 A complete email submission consists of:
7.3.1 An electronic copy of an Field Day summary sheet completely and accurately filled out;
7.3.2 An attached list of stations worked by band/mode during the Field Day period; and
7.3.3 Proofs of bonus points claimed (copies of visitor logs, press releases, NTS messages handled, photographs, etc).
7.4 A complete land postal or delivery non-electronic submission consists of:
7.4.1 A complete and accurate Field Day summary sheet;
7.4.2 An accompanying list of stations worked by band/mode during the Field Day period and
7.4.3 Proofs of bonus points claimed (copies of visitor logs, press releases, NTS messages handled, photographs, etc).
7.5 Complete station logs are not required for submission. The club should maintain log files for one year in case they are requested by Field Day Committee.
7.6 Digital images of proof of bonus points are acceptable.
7.7 Electronic submissions are considered signed when submitted.
*These rules have been adapted in accordance with the rules “ARRL Field Day” and has been changed accordingly.